Sunday, June 8, 2008

One Sweet Saturday

I had such a great day yesterday. I picked up Coia bright and early and headed over to the Biltmore to play some Golf. I personally love the game of golf. It's a great way to unwind, converse, and it's a fantastic stress reliever. I've been playing a little over a year now and let me tell you, I'm still hooked. The Biltmore was fantastic. The course was beautiful. Challenging obstacles, beautiful atmosphere, and basically, they make sure to spoil you. Coia didn't want to play so he basically drove the cart while I played the course. It was great. It was so relaxing. Also, I got my best score so far and got a Birdie in the second hole. (A Big Thanks to Coia and Kelsey for the great morning) That night I attended a family dinner celebrating Amy's grandfather's birthday. My parents prepared homemade fried rice and a delicious lo mein. After the food, conversation, and a round of Dominos with my competitive parents, Gerry and I watched Juno and I went home. What a great day....What a RELAXING day.

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