Friday, August 1, 2008

(Eerie music playing in the background) The day was Thursday. Amy and I went to Publix to stock up on groceries. The rain was heavy and the road was dangerous. Thankfully, we made it home. As we entered our home Lola came running to greet us. But wait, something's not right. Something's missing.....Where's Louie? We searched the Rooms...No Louie. Under the bed?...No Louie. Under the Couch?....No Louie. Where could he be? Suddenly, I heard a noise coming from the bathroom in our room. "Louie, is it you?" I asked in a girly voice.... There he was folks! Nervous, Scared, and hiding in shame. He was playing with the toilet paper!


Anonymous said...

lol thats awesom

Anonymous said...

You can't help but be sorry for louie with that cute face. Tati

Jescel said...

ah... too cute. how can you get mad at that? hehheeh...does he look like you when you do something that you know amy won't be happy about? hehehe...